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Health News – Fall ‘99

Prepared By The Burdi Chiropractic Group

(A "Light-Force" Adjusting, Massage & Wellness Facility.)

Educating owlCarpal Tunnel Syndrome -Ultrasound? Until recently most people thought that surgery was the only option for dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome (pain and inflammation in the wrist-to-hand area). However a new study in the British Medical Journal reveals a potential noninvasive alternative - ultrasound. Forty-five carpal tunnel patients received 20 treatments each over a 6-week period. One patient’s wrist was treated with ultrasound and the other with a fake or "sham" ultrasound treatment. The study preliminarily confirmed that ultrasound treatment could provide relief for patients with mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome (important to catch it early), especially important for those who don't want surgery. Ask your chiropractor for more information on this conservative, non-surgical treatment option. Even massage can be another option for your pain.


Horn of food BroccoSprouts Cuts Cancer – From Prevention magazine we learned that BroccoSprouts have at least 20 times more of the cancer fighting compound sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS) than mature broccoli. That means it only takes ½ cup of BroccoSprouts to equal 3½ cups of cooked mature broccoli in SGS content. BroccoSprouts works in the body to produce Phase 2 detoxification enzymes. These enzymes destroy cancer-causing chemicals and free radicals (bad for you!). In tests, rats given SGS along with a powerful mammary gland carcinogen developed 80% fewer mammary gland cancer tumors. Also, the tumor size that did develop was reduced by 75% and growth was slower. Some ways to enjoy your BroccoSprouts: Simmer in soup; jazz up a salad; spice up a sandwich; & perk up a pita.

Skull with cigar

Stroke Risk For Spouses - Passive smoking, secondhand smoke, or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, whatever term you use, affecting the people around you is a well-documented public health problem and a highly controversial social and political issue. The chemical composition of the smoke inhaled by passive smokers is not identical to that inhaled by active smokers, but the toxic and carcinogenic effects are similar. Many smokers demand their right to smoke in social and work situations while nonsmokers call for laws protecting them from the proven ill effects of tobacco smoke. A recent study presented in the American Journal of Public Health examined the potential association between stroke and smoking, concentrating on the situation in which passive smoking is the most difficult to control: smoking by close family relatives in the confines of shared environments. Results among 452 hospitalized cases of first-episode stroke showed the stroke risk was twice as high for subjects whose spouses smoked verses those who did not. So if you are a smoker, think seriously about quitting - for your own health, and the health of your loved ones around you.


Hepatitis B VaccinateDon’t you just love the way the government steps in and says you have to vaccinate your child before he or she enters the seventh grade? In doing a little research I uncovered numerous possible adverse reactions related to the Hepatitis B vaccine. People in France battled to outlaw this requirement and won. Parents in several states other than California are battling too. Do you wonder why? For more information, ask your doctor, go to your local library and visit "Risks of Immunization" websites. In California you do not have to vaccinate your child if you do not believe in a particular vaccination. There is a form you fill out that states, "it is against my personal beliefs."


ExercisingBed Rest Ineffective Against Sciatica - New England Journal Of Internal Medicine published this year research findings where 183 sciatica patients randomly were assigned to "bed rest" or being "up & about" when possible. All patients were assessed every 2nd, 3rd & 12th week. After 2 weeks 70% of "bed rest" patients were helped and 65% of "up & about" patients were helped with their program. But after 12 weeks 87% of both groups showed improvement in all measurements, implying that bed rest had no significant long term effect (obviously they were not re-aligned!), but with numerous physical and psychological adverse effects reported. (Conclusion – It is better to do some activity when possible, but within your tolerance.)


WORK/PERSONAL HEALTH CLASS REMINDER - Dr. Burdi is available for health or ergonomic presentations to clubs and companies. Ask your employer to request these informative slide presentations!


Dr BurdiDOCTOR’S CORNER: Remedies – 1. Athlete’s foot - there is an easy and natural way to eliminate it. Just spread a few drops of Sesame oil between your toes each morning and evening. The sores usually heal within a month, rarely returning if you occasionally apply the oil. 2. Toothaches – Ever have a tooth become very sensitive to hot/cold and pressure? Calcium Lactate tablets dissolving over the tooth while sleeping helps tone down the irritated nerve. Plus holding an anti-cavity oral rinse over the area for 10 minutes allows fluoride to seep into the cracks or cavity. According to my dentist, these fluoride particles prevent bacteria from seeping in and attacking the nerve. 3. Canker/Cold Sores – Calcium Lactate also works to heal these sores. Dissolve tablets overnight in your mouth. My experience shows that these cures work!


WIN A FREE MASSAGE- Write on a piece of paper or by phone, fax or e-mail your answer to the following question: What is a noninvasive treatment alternative for Carpal Tunnel syndrome? The answer is somewhere in our bulletin. For those not having been in to our office before please put name, address and phone number with your answer in order to contact you. Once per month for the next 3 months we will pull one name from received entries. The winner gets a free half-hour massage! Good luck to all.


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